Salesforce Education Cloud empowers organizations to create, deliver and measure learning experiences at scale.

Salesforce Education Cloud provides Salesforce customers with the benefits of cloud-based learning in one place, making it easier than ever to access training content, engage with instructors, track progress and earn certifications through our global community of over 30 million learners worldwide.

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Salesforce Education Cloud

The Salesforce Education Cloud by TernEdge is designed to help institutions build better relationships with students, faculty and families. With it, you can track student progress, view grades, communicate with parents and even see where your students are applying to school. You can also use the cloud to develop personalized learning plans and provide feedback to teachers and administrators.

This is the high time to embrace technology to help you better serve students, faculty, and parents. TernEdge offers education cloud solutions that let you easily connect your school or district with everything it needs to run efficiently and effectively. These solutions are designed specifically for schools, districts, colleges, and universities and offer powerful tools to improve student achievement, boost enrollment growth, improve retention, and increase graduation rates. The Salesforce Education Cloud is the most comprehensive cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for educational institutions. This solution helps schools and colleges build better student retention strategies, improve admissions processes, enhance campus operations, and increase revenue.

With the Salesforce Education Cloud, you can:

  • Build customized learning paths—from pre-K to graduate programs—to meet each learner’s needs
  • Track every contact with a prospect, donor, or student throughout the lifecycle of the relationship
  • Create custom communications based on behavior and preferences
  • Automate repetitive tasks while freeing up time for strategic initiatives
  • Gain visibility across the entire institution to make smarter decisions

Salesforce Education Cloud is a powerful toolset that enables institutions to take advantage of the full spectrum of opportunities offered by today’s digital world. This helps institutions of higher learning better manage their students’ experience, advancement, alumni engagement, recruitment and marketing efforts. With Education Cloud, institutions can better understand their students, making smarter decisions about how to meet their needs best.

The solution by TernEdge provides a single source of information for each student, including transcripts, grades, test scores, financial aid status, awards and honors, career goals, extracurricular activities, social media profiles, and much more. By combining this information into one place, schools can provide personalized experiences across multiple touchpoints, such as admissions, enrollment, advising, retention, graduation, and post-graduation.

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